The Sensualist
READ TIME: 2 min. 58 sec.
Loving practices expose a therapeutic opportunity to tap into touching moments, intimate situations and erotic communication as a holistic approach to loving life. Tantra is a mindful approach to living the happy life. Jumping in can be just as confusing and difficult to navigate as a foreign land with all the intricate delicacies it offers. Carrying a sensualist Tantric mindset begins a slow and steady journey capable of breaking you free of systematic ignorance from simple superstitions that need overcoming.
Regardless of the task in everyday life, the question is always the same: “Where do I begin?” Just as a yogi would never walk into a level 3 yoga class without proper preparation, exploration and evaluation of the self, the purpose and desired outcome of why they are there in the first place. So too is Tantra. Once you have a clear understanding of the role: desire, love, kindness, peace and happiness, already play in your life, inner development can begin. The first session can revel how you respond to intimate touch, sensual moments and stimulating situations. This gives rise to an opportunity to revel your needs, communicate your wishes and to let go of your hang-ups. It doesn’t take long to realize that it does not hurt - to let another touch you.
Most seek-out yoga when something is hurt and/or broken; a body, a spirit, a mind or a life. We seek new ways to expand personal awareness, and smoother roads that evolve our human experience to maximize our personal potential. Tantra is no different. Each comes to Tantra seeking the place where bliss, desire, pleasure, totality, fulfillment and wisdom can be found. Just as an alchemist transforms poisonous plants into powerful panaceas capable of transmuting disease. Tantra can reveal the essential clarity of internal purity. Read more about the power of Tantra in this article from Medium. Tantra allows us to dissolve our ordinary perceptions of ourselves and unbind from self-proclaimed conditions and long held superstitions.
I will challenge you to view yourself as beautiful as possible and as a true divine being in the here and now. Heaven is nowhere to be found - it is a mindset that you always carry. It is my goal to bombard your senses with ever expanding joy, bliss, and as much pleasure as possible. I hope to empower you to take control of your life so your deepest nature can be expressed. You will come to realize the possibility of evolution; through desire, bliss and happiness. You will understand, that pleasure was never the problem, only your inner conflict was. The Sensualist learns that only through letting go can we achieve the goal of totality and fulfillment. Once you have become liberated from ordinary ways of grasping at sensory desires - the Tantra practice begins.
With each session Tantric wisdom will penetrate your everyday activities and turn them into powerful therapeutic tools of heightened awareness. You will develop a subtle discrimination of what truly brings you pleasure and what does not. Once you cleanse your life of displeasure - joy has the possibility of becoming a constant. Joy begets joy and the desire for more becomes embedded into your being. You soon realize that desire was always pervasive. The eye desires beauty, the ear desires pleasure and the skin desires touch. We are beings that naturally Desire. This awareness alone offers a deep freedom to enJOY life more. The reality is, we can choose “The Happy Life.”
Touching others deeply touches my own soul. My session are part of my own self-care lifestyle that keep me connected, energetic, flowing and ever evolving. It is a joy for me to spend time with you and I hope to emanate this during our time together. I will always offer you a safe place to “come as you are.” As a fully evolved empath, I hold no judgement, as I only seek to help you find yourself during our time together.
If you are seeking the road to living the sensual life and you see desire as therapeutic and viable holistic path, then I welcome you to BG Tantra. I am grateful for your time and attention.
Welcome to my sensual life. May I touch you deeply?