SexRx - Biohacking The Dick


READ TIME: 7 min. 41 sec.

Dick Hacking - Protect, Increase, and Maximize Testosterone Production

Quite often my subject matter turns to dick performance and the maintenance of personal fuck-ability. However without addressing the role testosterone plays in performance, libido and “hard-dick” frequency, it becomes an incomplete conversation. This would be much like addressing obesity reduction through the eyes of exercise while ignoring the role diet plays in weight loss and healthy living. Let’s talk about biohacking the dick!

Just like waistlines and cardiovascular health, hard cocks and testosterone levels can be manipulated via lifestyle evaluation and better daily choices. Through simple shifts in thought patters, belief systems and an injection of up to date knowledge, it is possible to manipulate sexual function, hormone production and to maximize all the GOOD stuff that comes from proper testosterone levels in the male system. 

So What Does tTestosterone Do For a Man?

Remember when you were young and hard as a rock - most likely this “hardness” extended way beyond the cock to include the body and the “hard head” that comes with being young. Big throbbing muscles, growing pains, and the accompanying angst was generated from being young and testosterone driven. If you do not remember - just turn on a college football game and you will quickly be reminded what surging testosterone looks like from the outside..

Normal to high testosterone levels in the system: builds strength, maintain muscle tone, improve muscle density, drives fat loss, fires up a competitive spirit, sharpens mental function/focus, pumps up performance/endurance in and out of the bed, drives muscle gain, generates full body speed and the maintenance of libido. Just take a moment to remember who you were at 17 - 21 years old. Your endocrine system was flowing with testosterone. As a result it did not take much to turn you on, fire you up or piss you off. 

Anti-aging enthusiasts and biohackers such as Dave Asprey and Ben Greenfield have begun the mainstream social conversation that brings together sexual function, fitness maximization, and longevity practices. It is a beautiful thing to witness. As research emerges, social influencers evangelize, technology expands and greater acceptability becomes common place; practices that have the capacity to heal sex will naturally slip into modern wellness models.

If Bio-hacking interests you, let’s go together!

In 2019 Ben Greenfield collaborated with Men Health Journal and Biohacked the Dick. As a result he exposed products and technologies that support cock health such as: Gainswave - acoustic sound-wave therapy, Private Gym a smart home device that super charges the kegels, a digital penis pump as more than novelty, JOOVV red light therapy, PEMF devices, and Penile Stem Cell therapy. After-all what good is longevity if we can not enjoy intimacy, passion, love, a zest for life and a whole lot of fucking during those extended years? Ben’s conversations about sexual performance and how it generates overall wellbeing is authentic, matter-of-fact and steeped in so much common sense that it is easy to hear and his solutions come across as sustainable. Check out his many podcasts and see if you dig him as much as I do. 

Rethinking Toys as Hacking Tools

Over the last 2 decades we have turned to self-care routines to hack our diet, beauty practices as well as workouts. Through the eyes of Instagram we watched couch potatoes everywhere transformed their life through dietary modification and a willingness to kick their own asses into shape and let you watch it happen. The weekend warriors became formidable athletes and social media influencers. Intentional practices can positively impact human potential. Fiercely addressing sexual function can offer unparalleled benefits that will impact all you do. If good health is NOT enough to kick you into action - maybe the long-term health of your “happy” pecker is enough incentive for you. 

Shifting your perception on “toys” and the role they can play in libido enhancement, longterm functionality and testosterone boosting can put sexual healing in your own hands. I recommend the book: Bonk - A Curious Coupling o Science and Sex for a better understanding of the history of sexual devices. Many of the “toys” we find in todays market place are a dumbed down version of scientific tools once used to gather data by researching “all things wrong” with sex. The data was utilized to discover innovative approaches capable of “making sex better,” as a result in rushed sexual liberation. Once you shift your view of the role these “once upon a time” science tools play in hard dick maintenance, pussy arousal and the generation of personal vital energy, it just might be time to go shopping. 

If you are coupled and not engaging in regular sex at home - toys would seem to be a must. Toys can replace the diminished sexual activity in your life. After all - we did once (pre-Covid that is) go to the gym when our life became less active. Seems to me that the less sex you have in your life - the more equipment you need to take its place. I would recommend watching the Master of Sex series with your partner. Watching Master of Sex can lubricate the conversation while offering up a “how and why” for the justification and acquisition of sexual tools to keep your dick from dying. It is impossible to watch that series and not talk about sex. Don’t keep your toys in the closet. Masturbate and therapize your dick - loud and proud so it is not a surprise. Just maybe you can bring a little fire into your intimate home routine. 

Simple shifts in mindset, daily routines and personal priorities can impact your longterm well being to develop the best version of yourself possible. Self-optimization celebrates self-respect and personal dignity as it address our deep desire to maximize our human potential. Below are some of my recommended home hacks that can immediately impact testosterone production, intimate ability and the desire fit your bits. 

Simple Shifts:

  • Control stress and emotional drama to reduce cortisol - Increase the activities that improve your ability to handle day to day stress, cocks rarely work well under pressure.

  • Increase vascularity though vasodilation - move more/sit less. Incorporate 1 minute of dynamic lower body movement for every hour of siting. A mini trampoline is my favorite way to accomplish this. 

  • Touch more - be more intimate (not just sexual) by connecting more. Both alone and with a partner.

  • Sleep naked and spoon more - skin on skin contact is immensely healing as well as arousing. 

  • Ditch all tight briefs - unleash the balls and free the goods!

  • Eat better - NO brainer. No amount of training can counteract a poor diet. And a well fueled machine always performs better.

Put a Little Hard Work In:

  • Consistent explosive full body training - complex routines such as lifts, sprints intervals or Tabata - force maximum effort in minimal time. Activate fast twitch muscle fibers. Deadlift and squats are the king/queen of lower body power. Convert adipose tissue to muscle to help combat interrupted sleep.

  • Sleep Hacking - Black out your sleep area, put your phone in another room, invest in a Chili Pad, an eco mattress or Quantum sleep comforters. Sleep like you mean it. Properly set the stage for world class sleep time. 

  • Sun your junk - Either invest in a Joovv or set aside space in a sunny room in your house, get naked and bend over or kick the legs up to get the sun where it normally does not shine. 

  • Increase Amino acid intake to improve Nitric oxide levels in your body - Nitric oxide plays an important role in erectile function by stimulating testosterone production. Suggestions are beets, meat, dark chocolate , red wine (in moderation) nuts & seeds.

  • Increase fat intake while reducing BMI - Good fats (olive oil, avocado, etc) help in reducing excess inflammation in the lower body which increases circulation and improves dick function. Plus, loosing a few makes your cock look bigger. =) 

  • Cold thermogenesis - Cold showers/baths/dry cryogenics in the morning reduces belly fat, and insulin surges throughout the day. The greatest benefits can be achieved by drinking a cup of hot coffee or hot green tea before a cold therapy. 

What Can You Do to Stop Killing Your Testosterone Production?

  • Reduce phytoestrogens in all your personal care products - these bind to testosterone receptors. Counteracting all your hard work.

  • Drink responsibly, everything in moderation.

  • Know Thy Self - If 420 detrimentally affects your hard cock, do not smoke before intimate situations. 

  • Keep technology away from your crotch - Do not put your phone in your pants pocket. If you have no where else to carry your phone keep it in a Faraday pouch when carrying it on your body. If you constantly put a laptop on your lap then use a lap defender shield. Think of these much like seat belts in cars, once upon a time we never used them. Now we know better. 

Miscellaneous Choices That Can Add Great Fucking Years to Your Life:

  • Yoga/Qigong/Tai Chi

  • Improved heart/liver/kidney health

  • JOOVV red light therapy 

  • Shellfish consumption

  • Don’t worry, be happy 

  • Visit BendyGirl ;) 

How do You Know if Your Testosterone is Low? 

  • Diminished interest in competition/less aggressive, male angst.

  • Penile atrophy – your cock just looks smaller (don’t worry it can be reversed if caught in time).

  • Loss of night/morning wood.

  • Sexy dreams disappearing.

  • Inability to repair/recover/bounce back.

  • Depression/seasonal affected disorder/brain fog/chronic cardiovascular disease.

Our home health and self-care era put dietary modification and physical ability in our hands. As a result many learned they really do have full control of their own health and well-being. Now is time to take that same information and determine just how far we want to push the boundaries of desire and personal long-term fuck-ability. Stay tuned for more therapies that address biohacking the sexual system to improve overall livelihood. 

In my workspace you will have access to my personal and professional biohacking equipment that is ever expanding.

My Space Currently Includes:

  • Joovv - Full body panel as well as a handheld I use directly on balls for maximum recovery.

  • PEMF mat - You may choose to end your session with 15/30 minutes on my grounding mat to improve focus, clarity, healing time and overall pain reduction. 

  • Rebounder - Unique gravitational effects of bouncing alternates between multiple G-forces and zero gravity. Dramatically increases lymphatic flow and the immune system's ability to flush toxins, bacteria and dead cells from the body, fighting illness and disease, bolsters the digestive process. 

  • Steam tent - detox, revitalize and restore.

  • A bevy of other sexy toys including a penis pump and dedicated massage wand for erogenous male areas.

Welcome to my biohacking fetish and a sexy new world of forward thinkers - I hope it turns you on as much as it does me. Come and see me, how it’s kept me in the best possible shape, and let’s get biohacking together. 



BendyGirl the Guru of Nuru

My journey is one of a lifelong educator and dedicated yogi intertwines with the profound path of Tantra. My ethos is rooted in guiding others towards a life marked by peace, joy, and an ever-curious soul, nurturing a heightened state of self-awareness. My passion lies in reviving ancient folk medicines, adapting their timeless wisdom to address contemporary needs. Touch, for me, is more than a mere physical interaction; it's a powerful conduit for building empathic connections and enriching my practice. My deepest aspiration is to empower others to embrace a life filled with sensuality and passion, encouraging them to boldly pursue their deepest desires and to seek a fulfilling journey towards a joyous culmination of their own Happy ending.


Forever Sexy - Living Fast and Hacking Time


SexRX - Got Wood?